Saturday, 24 December 2016

Idea 2 Initial Storyboard

This storyboard is the initial one for my second idea (briefly described two posts back). The structure is similar to that of the first idea's initial storyboard because it simply just ties everything together and will help me make a decision on which idea I should use to create my film opening. As I have stated in the last initial storyboard post I will develop the storyboard further to include shot types and camera angles, etc. when I have decided on the idea I want to use.

Idea 1 Initial Storyboard

This is the initial storyboard for my first idea, in of which was outlined in my previous post. I just briefly did this storyboard to show how everything would tie together, and to help me make my decision on which idea I should take forward. When I have chosen an idea I will go on to make a more developed storyboard that shows the scenes from the correct camera angles and shots. This more developed storyboard will be able to give you a better idea of what the film opening will look like properly. 

Film Opening Idea Update

I have come up with two ideas for my film opening, which is a positive because I actually have something to go with and am not going to be stuck with no clue on where to go next! However a negative is that I cannot do both, and I will have to decide on one of them.
As a result I have decided to do storyboards for both and then choose the one that I think will be able to do the most with (i.e. continuity, range of shots/angles, techniques, etc.).

Here are the summaries of the two ideas that I have:
Idea 1
Camera meets two characters in a dark room, where a package is handed over. The identities of these characters are not disclosed as they're wearing black hoodies; adds to the mystery. One of the characters comes out of this room and heads over to another location where they are expecting to meet another character to hand over the package. At this point the camera will be following the character from behind as they walk, and the character will be acting suspicious and shifty. The location the character arrives at is old and scary looking. When the character enters the camera focuses on his face to show that he/she is confused as to why there is nobody in the room waiting for him. At this point a police siren sound will fade in to the scene and will gradually become louder. As the character hears the siren, they panic and stuff the package in the room and run out. The camera focuses on the package and then fades to black. The film name will then show. The film will then continue to show the character running round the back of the building, where they stop and prop themselves up against the wall as if they're out of breath. This is where the opening will end.

Idea 2
The opening will start with an old teddy bear (pictured below) sat in a box full of items, like somebody would be moving house. Then a lady would take the teddy out and say something like, "Aww, my childhood teddy! I do not really need it anymore...". The lady would then throw it in a bin bag and take it outside to the bin. The next shot will show the teddy sat on a rocking chair back within the house. The camera will then pan to show the front door being opened, where the lady will come back in from taking out the rubbish. The lady will go straight up the stairs to bed, and therefore will not notice the teddy bear back in the house. As the lady is going up the stairs a tragedy will happen, for example she will fall down the stairs or something. The camera will then go back on to the teddy bear. If done properly, the editing should show that paranormal powers coming from the teddy bear are responsible for the woman falling down the stairs. The camera will close up on to the woman's face to show her unconscious, and then it will fade to black and show the name of the film.

Friday, 16 December 2016


I created a questionnaire so that I can hear directly from the audience. I have included questions about film genres, especially the crime genre as I am planning to go down this route with my film opening and also just general questions about film openings. When I retrieve the results I will be able to plan for my film opening more effectively. I am going to share the link to be able to take my questionnaire on my school network to maximise participation. I also planned what I would create the questions on, and I have attached a photo of this below. A link to be able to take the questionnaire is below also.

Audience Expectations

Audience expectations are very important to when it comes to film making because the film being made needs to appeal to the target audience. I have done this research so that I am prepared when I come to filming. I have looked in to and learnt about the criteria an audience will have for a film opening, which I will be doing.

Monday, 12 December 2016

Audience Theories

Uses & Gratifications Theory
Media theorists realised that audiences made decisions about how they would watch film and television. There were a number of reasons that audience's watch a piece of media, and this was expanded upon by researches Blulmer and Katz in 1974. They said that there were five different categories that audience's consumed a media for: diversion, entertainment, personal relationships, personal identity and surveillance. Diversion, also referred to as escapism, stated that an audience sometimes watch films to escape from their everyday life. Entertainment is obviously just where an audience watch a film to simply have fun and enjoy themselves. Personal relationships are formed between the audience and certain characters and this is a reason for them to watch a film. Personal identity is where an audience choose to consume films as a source of personal identity. The audience will like the beliefs and values that this character has. Finally there is surveillance, which is where an audience watch a film in order to gain information. This could simply be just watching a weather report or the news to watching a full documentary film.

An example of how this theory could be applied is in a soap opera, such as Coronation Street. The audiences will watch a film for diversion, personal relationships or even personal identity. It could be diversion because as you're watching the soap you are escaping from your everyday life and watching as if you're part of the cast. It could be personal relationships because as you continue to watch is regularly you feel like you come to know the different characters more personally. Also it could be considered as personal identity because as you watch you may like the different self values and beliefs of a certain character and aspire to be more like them. This is for a television soap opera, however everything can be transferred over to film quite easily.

Reception Theory
Stuart Hall developed an idea of audience positioning - he claimed that the media representations had 3 possible responses from the audience:

  • Preferred (Dominant) Reading
    • Audiences respond to the way the narrative is constructed and adopt the points of view implied.
  • Oppositional Reading
    • Audiences reject the way the narrative is constructed and challenge the points implied.
  • Negotiated Readings
    • Audiences partially accept the way the narrative is constructed but can see both points of view - dominant and oppositional.

An example of how this could be implied to a film is in the opening scene of Spectre. The preferred/dominant reading of where Bond shoots at his targets will be positive and with good connotations. However an oppositional reading could be that he has just caused a huge mess and his work has not been efficient.

Audience Categorisation

This post is looking in to the different methods in of which an audience would be categorised. I have done this so that when I come to look at my own target audience I have at least these three methods I can use. Personally I think I will take elements from all three to improve accuracy and be able to target exactly who I want.